Friday, March 25, 2011

HORSE SALE! Come one, come all!

4 State Draft Horse and Mule Sale in Diamond, Missouri.
Friday and Saturday, May 8th & 9th, 2011

More info

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The first of Dr. J's horses for sale

The passing of a draft horse lover

We regret to inform you of the passing of Dr. J of Sommersville. He was a well known draft horse owner in the area.

Please pray for him and family.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Go Green Festival - upcoming event

In Thayer on April 2 and 3, the Go Green Festival will have a variety of booths, events, and activities for alternative energy, back-to-land folks, homesteaders, gardeners, animal raisers, draft horse enthusiasts, etc.

Click here for a link!

Pictures from the March meeting

Zachary Fletcher - driver in training

Zachary Fletcher has been getting driving lessons from Kirsten and Al (and Rambo and Rowdy.)

The Lager family team

Ted Lager and his daughter, Shelby, age 13, have a lovely draft team. The horses are Beth and Benita.

Kate Smith and her Shire mare

New member, Kate Smith, and her five year old Shire mare
The mare both drives and is a saddle horse.

Minutes of February Meeting

FEBRUARY 12, 2011

Attendance: Ira King, Keith Temple, Jenny Underwood, Kirsten Kosinski, Diana Wallace, Steve Driscoll, Jim and Lora McCabe.

Meeting called to order by: Ira King. An oral review of previous meeting was presented by Lora.

Old business:

1. By-laws draft not sent out since there is no updated list of members. Need to address this.

2. As accepted before, next meeting scheduled for second Saturday of March, 12. It will be at Keith’s house.

3. Insurance deemed to be a necessity, Steve Driscoll will summarize a meeting with an insurance agent at the next meeting.

New business:

1. Go Green Festival was presented by Jenny Underwood. The event will take place on April 2nd and 3rd in Thayer. Rain date will be the following weekend. Our association will try to organize rides, possibly using Jay’s carriage and horses. We will take part in it. This will be in lieu of the April meeting.

2. New business cards need to be ordered. A committee was proposed to select these. We will take a look at that next meeting.


D-ring harness presentation was shown on tape followed by Ira’s further explanation of its benefits.

Treasurer's report - current balance $592.52

Meeting was adjourned. Thanks to Ira for hosting and Diana for fabulous Shepherd’s Pie.