One thing for sure, we draft horse enthusiasts can sure cook! We had a wonderful pot luck meeting in July, and it was a gastronomic event. Several of us followed a Mexican food theme, but the offerings were delightfully balanced by fruit salad and goat cheese.
Vice President Kirsten Kosinski called the meeting to order and thanked Sherri and Robert for hosting the meeting in their beautiful home.
Unfortunately, we had no minutes from the last meeting or a treasurer's report. There was a short discussion of assets owned by the club (a yoke and evener). Steve may purchase them. There is also a double tree.
New member Leza Smith was made most welcome. She has two mini horses that are cart trained and is looking for a larger horse.
A lengthy discussion of the purpose and long term outlook of the club was held. Keith suggested that there are two types of members: active and passive. Some members don't have draft horses. Some members expressed their expectations for the club as a whole, hoping for more education and horse related activities, such as holding a drive, having a farrier talk to the clup, round pen training classes, and hitching instruction.
On the short term, the outrageously hot weather has precluded the likelyhood of an August meeting. The September meeting is scheduled for Sept 24th at St. Michael's Nursery in Brandesville. It will address round pen training and ground driving. Please invite anyone you know with an interest in ANY type of draft animal to this meeting.
Steve asked the pertinent questions - What do we want to do? With so few active members, do we want to continue holding meetings? Do we want to continue to have dues paid? Leza commented on the relationship between dues paying and the psychological value one sees in the organization.
After these discussions, the meeting was adjourned.
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