Saturday, July 24, 2010

July 2010 Meeting

Ozarks Draft Horse Association Meeting Minutes
July 24, 2010
Jim and Lora McCabe’s House
Mammoth Springs, AK

Attendance: Kirsten (vice-president) & Al Kosisnski, Margie (secretary/treasurer) & Ron Lennington, Jim & Lora McCabe, Wesley Pate, Ira King, Keith Temple, Harold & Jann Ramey, Steve Driscoll, all members, and Walter & Rachel Tubbs, guests

Meeting Opened by: Kirsten Kosinski, vice-president

Secretary's Report: Minutes from last meeting were handed out accepted as read.

Treasurer’s Report: $490.31 balance in checking account

President’s Report: The Logging Demo Day at Kirsten and Al’s farm got rained out, but about 8 people showed up anyway. Ira demonstrated horse logging between rain showers. There was loads of interest, so this might be repeated in the fall.
The Work Day on June 19 drew a small crowd and went well.
We need to elect officers, and will plan to do so at the next meeting. We need people who are really willing to do the work. Kirsten has been doing the lion’s share of getting this club going and needs a president or vice president who will take some of the burden off of her.

Old Business: Dennis Goodall is getting out of draft horses for now and is selling all his horses and equipment. He did not build the wagon we had voted for at the last meeting. We discussed if we really needed a wagon, and decided to drop it for now.

New Business:
Volunteers for future meeting places were called for. Here is the list:
August 28, 2010, at Jim & Lora McCabes’ home, Mammoth Springs
September at Steve Driscoll’s in Brandsville/Koshkonong (Probably the last weekend in Sept.) He is planning a meeting, barbeque, and draft animal demonstration.
October at Al & Kirsten Kosinski’s. Alton. Meeting and draft animal demo’s.
November/December at Harold & Jann Ramey’s, Alton.
Lora McCabe will research filing for non-profit status.
Lora also volunteered to print flyers and such for the association. Margie can e-mail to Lora and she will print to save the association money for toner and paper.
Kirsten mentioned that we probably should have by-laws, and it was voted on to pursue this. Walter Tubbs has a copy of the Arkansas Draft Horse Association (now defunct) by-laws. He will try to find them.
September was voted on to be the start of the association’s fiscal year. Membership dues will be renewable at this time. Margie will send out reminders. It was voted that any new members who joined from June through August would not need to renew until the following year.
New Business, cont: A list of members was requested. Margie & Kirsten are working on it, but are lacking information from some members. Margie will have a list ready for the next meeting.
Kirsten mentioned that there will be a Southern Draft Horse Progress Days event in Virginia in September. If enough people are interested in going we could rent a van and travel together to save money. Get in touch with Kirsten if interested.
There will be hitch classes at the Ozarks Empire Fair on July 30 & 31.
The Boone County Draft Horse Sale is Sept. 15 – 18 in Columbia, MO.

Election of officers was discussed. An election will be held at the next meeting. Ira King was nominated for both President (by Keith Temple) and Vice President (by Jann Ramey).
There was much discussion about why people are members of the association and what the association is for. In general, it was agreed that the association should be working to preserve the knowledge of draft animals and to pass it on.

Meeting Adjourned by: Kirsten Kosinski, vice-president

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