Ozarks Draft Horse Association Meeting Minutes
February 27, 2010
Jim and Lora McCabe’s House
Mammoth Springs, AK
Attendance: Kirsten Kosinski, Vice President, Margie Paskert, Secretary/Treasurer, and members Steve Driscoll, Mike Moore, Joanna Burgin, Ira King, Jim Mc Cabe, Lora Mc Cabe, Ron Lennington. Guests: Jenny Underwood and two sons, Matt Driscoll
Meeting Opened by: Kirsten Kosinski at 1:50 PM
Secretary's Report: Margie Paskert is the new Secretary/Treasurer and did not yet have anything to report.
President’s Report: Dennis Goodall was unable to attend.
Steve Driscoll conveyed several messages from Dennis.
1. The club currently does not have a checking account and needs one. Steve suggested that Dennis, Kirsten, Steve, and possibly Margie should all be signers on the account. Only one signature would be required on checks. Bank of Thayer would probably be our best bet as it has branches in Thayer, West Plains, and Alton, which is convenient for all potential signers.
2. The club currently has approximately $500 collected from dues.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Steve Driscoll also conveyed that Dennis is willing to build a wagon for the club. He can get running gears for $125 - $150. Dennis would provide the labor at no cost. The club would pay for all materials. It was not clear exactly how much the materials would cost. The wagon would have our name on it and could be used by members for parades, etc. The idea was put to vote and passed unanimously.
Kirsten asked for volunteers for homes for future meetings. April’s meeting is already set at Al and Kirsten Kosinski’s house. Ira King will be demonstrating logging with his horses. Joanna Burgin volunteered her home for the March meeting, but after some discussion it was decided that the McCabes would host the March meeting again as they are located more centrally.
Ideas for future meetings were called for. Inviting a 4H club or a homeschool group was suggested. Having speakers and/or demonstrations, like harnessing, were also suggested.
There is going to be a coggins clinic in Salem on March 13.
Meeting Adjourned at: Approximately 3 PM.
Please Note! There will be no March meeting of the Ozarks Draft Horse Association. Stay tuned for an announcement of the April meeting date, time, and location.
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