Ozarks Draft Horse Association Meeting Minutes
August 28, 2010
Jim and Lora McCabe’s House
Mammoth Springs, AK
Attendance: Kirsten(vice president) & Al Kosinski, Margie Paskert (secretary/treasurer), Ira King, Jann & Harold Ramey, Lora & Jim McCabe
Meeting Opened by: Kirsten Kosinski, vice-president
Secretary's Report: The minutes from last month’s meeting where handed out and gone over briefly by Margie.
Treasurer’s Report: The balance in the checking account is $490.31. There has been no activity since the last meeting. Reported by Margie.
President’s Report: (Given by Kirsten as there is no current president.) Steve Driscoll is unable to attend today because he is headed to Montana for a week long driving school. Go Steve! Walter Tubbs is unable to attend due to recent surgery. Kirsten acknowledged Alice Kasper’s fine work on our blog.
Old Business: 1. Lora has not had time to research non-profit status, but hopes to get to it this next month.
2. Nothing is happening on researching by-laws.
3. Margie handed out a list of members (attached). Please check it over and send any corrections to Margie. There are some names on the list who are probably not members. Yearly membership renewal notices will get sent out in September, so by November the list should be more accurate.
4. No-one appears to be interested in attending the Southern Draft Horse Progress Days in Virginia in September.
5. The September meeting will be at Steve Driscoll’s in Brandsville/Koshkonong on Sept 25. There will be a barbeque and Ira volunteered to do a horse breaking demo on Steve’s horse, which Steve knows nothing about yet. So, we’ll see. We will definitely be doing something with the big animals. Margie will send out a flyer as soon as the details are finalized.
6. The October meeting will be at the Kosinski’s in Alton. The date is not set yet, but will most likely be late in the month.
7. The Nov/December meeting is still scheduled to be at the Ramey’s in Alton.
New Business: 1. Elections were held. Ira King is the new president. Both Kirsten and Jann Ramey are vice presidents. Margie is the secretary/treasurer. We hope to put Steve Driscoll in some type of P.R. position, but we were kind enough not to elect him when he was not there.
2. We will be having a booth at the Ozarks Sustainability Festival on Sunday, Sept. 12, in West Plains. We hope to get the word out about our club and maybe get some new members. Jann has made a Power Point presentation to show on her laptop. We will be talking to people and handing out flyers (which Margie volunteered to make) and cards. Kirsten will get the banner from Steve. Margie will bring a table and covering. If anyone has a canopy we can use, please get in touch with Kirsten, Jann, or Margie. Lora and Margie volunteered to set up and man the booth for the first half of the day. Jann volunteered for the second half of the day. If anyone else is available to help out, please get in touch with one of us.
3. The Chuck Wagon Dinner in Mountain Home, AR, is on the 17th. 18th, and 19th. Roger Lee will probably bring his team, but only if he has help. Volunteers were called for. Ira was volunteered, but might not be able to make it. Kirsten and Al volunteered, and Lora and Jim might also help out. If anybody is interested, well, you know who to call.
4. The Walnut Festival is in Alton on the first Saturday in October. Margie will check into the cost for a booth. If we do have a booth, Margie will open it and Kirsten will close it. We welcome any other volunteers to help out.
5. The Timberfest in Doniphan is the second weekend in October. Kirsten wants the club to be there. She will check into booth costs. If we have a booth we will need volunteers.
6. We will vote on a new name for the club at the next meeting, so put on your thinking caps and come up with some ideas. We want a name that lets folks know that we are not just about horses.
7. We voted to sell the rest of the club’s T-shirts for $10 each to generate some money. As we expect to have a new name after the next meeting, the current t-shirts are out of vogue.
8. The Boone County Draft Horse Sale in Columbia, MO, is Sept. 18 & 19.
Meeting Adjourned by: Kirsten Kosinski, vice-president
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
August 24, 2010
This is a reminder that we have our monthly Ozarks Draft Horse Association meeting this coming Saturday, August 28. It is at 1 Pm at Jim and Lora McCabe's home in Mammoth Spring. We will be having a potluck lunch, so please bring a dish. Things are heating up in the club and we have lots to discuss, so please be there.
Among the items to discuss and/or vote on are:
1. Elections for officers will be held.
2. We will be having a booth at the Ozarks' Sustainability Festival in West Plains in Sept, so we need to discuss this and have volunteers sign up to man the booth.
3. We need to plan fund raising events/opportunities.
4. Do we want to have a booth at Timberfest in Doniphan in October? What about the Walnut Festival In Alton in Oct?
5. We will also be voting on a name change for the Association.
If you have something you would like us to discuss at the meeting, please send your ideas to Kirsten (2percherons@gmail.com) or me.
Thanks, and hope to see you there!
Margie Paskert Lennington
Ozarks Draft Horse Association
Among the items to discuss and/or vote on are:
1. Elections for officers will be held.
2. We will be having a booth at the Ozarks' Sustainability Festival in West Plains in Sept, so we need to discuss this and have volunteers sign up to man the booth.
3. We need to plan fund raising events/opportunities.
4. Do we want to have a booth at Timberfest in Doniphan in October? What about the Walnut Festival In Alton in Oct?
5. We will also be voting on a name change for the Association.
If you have something you would like us to discuss at the meeting, please send your ideas to Kirsten (2percherons@gmail.com) or me.
Thanks, and hope to see you there!
Margie Paskert Lennington
Ozarks Draft Horse Association
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